It is really important to us that you are satisfied with your purchase from Shaka Brah Australia. If you purchase an item that you are not satisfied with, doesn’t fit, or doesn’t suit, we offer credit notes and exchanges. Credit notes expire within 6 months, and can be used on any item online. Items need to be returned within 30 days and must be in their original condition, meaning the item(s) must be unworn with tags attached with the original packaging.

If you believe any of the items you have received are faulty, or different to the item advertised, then please contact [email protected] to discuss the issue further. Faulty products do not include items that have been damaged after the delivery, items you haven’t followed the care label instructions or general wear and tear.

*Please note, there are no returns on sale items.


If you wish to return an item, here’s what you’ll need to do:

  • Contact us and ask for a returns form which you will need to send back to us with your item.
  • To ensure your returned items arrive safely, please use express post or registered post. Shaka Brah Australia is not liable for the postage cost of returns, or any items lost during post, however we will return the items at no extra cost.